

Tuesday, December 8, 2015


Birth order in my case doesn’t really apply to me. As an only child, I possess some of the characteristics of the first born child.  Some of the same characteristics are; perfectionists, highly motivated to achieve success, leader, responsible, and center of attention.  I have to admit that I feel as I possess these characteristics. I am a perfectionist when it comes to the way projects are done. I have to plan all of the details out and they have to go as planned or I get very angry. In my life of course I want to achieve success on everything I do, but isn’t that true for everyone? I can be a leader in some of the activities I take part in. Truthfully I am terrified of death to be a leader and be in charge, but I now I know that I can overcome that. Now being the cheer captain that has broken the shell down. Yes I love to be the center of attention when I am at home mainly. In public I want to blend in and not stand out. Yes, I will speak my mind when necessary but otherwise I stay quiet.
                My parental characteristics are split down the middle on where I get them from either my mom or dad. My mom has passed down her caring and loving heart to help people, OCD on cleaning things, and a bad shopping habit. On the other hand, from my dad I get my anger issues, stubbornness and determination.  From these characteristics I have learned to become a well-rounded person.
                Where I have grown up, everybody knows everybody and if you need a helping hand your neighbor or community is right there to help you. I think that growing up in a small town has made me realize how lucky I am with my life. This had shaped me as a person where if someone is in need you help them out. Everybody knows your name and says hello to you when you see them. I think that is a great thing to grow up with, it shows support and love in the community. Not everyone is lucky enough to grow up in a small loving community.
                I think that heredity goes back to my parental characters. Each parent passes down certain traits and characteristics through genes, which in then we pass down to our kids if we have kids in our life.

                In conclusion, birth order to me doesn’t really matter. As an only child my life is different than others with siblings.  I tend to be a perfectionist and the center of attention of my family. These are ones that I feel that I possess the most as mentioned above. I get characteristics from both my parents and they are about equal but opposite.  I have learned to control my anger that I hold inside of me. By being a CNA I have noticed that my loving heart and caring has come out a lot more than usual. 

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