

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Step into New Shoes

       In today’s world most everyone thinks about themselves, not about anyone else. This has become a major problem in our world; we fight for power and to always be right. We as American’s could avoid some of the fights we get into. Just maybe there is one person that can look beyond his or her own selfish way, we could avoid some conflict. The world today, no one wants to admit they are wrong, or apologize for something that they have done. Let’s put yourself into a situation where you can look either way on the situation. You are a cop in Aberdeen; you arrest a guy stealing groceries. As the cop you see this as a crime and a wrong doing and want to punish this person for stealing. But, if you take a second and go into the other guy’s shoes, you may find out the motive why he’s stealing. The guy may have a family at home that he is trying to provide for, or he has a loved one that has nothing and wants to give something to them. I’m not saying stealing is the right thing to do; we just never take the time look at both sides of the story that is presented.  If we could all just take a second to look at both sides of the story our perspective might change and the outcome of the situation could change. I agree with Sam Richards, we all need to take a step back in our life, when something goes wrong or an argument comes up why not look and find out the cause on the other side, rather than blaming and not taking blame. I feel that some of us are afraid to take the blame that it will hurt our reputation. But if you really look at it you are the one to blame for being selfish and not helping other people out because you are too caught up in your own world. We all need to step out of our shoes and face all of our problems in a new perspective.

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