

Friday, September 11, 2015

Macro vs. Micro

In our world we have the big picture and the not so big picture. Right now in high school it’s all about the not so big picture, or microsociology. Microsociology is defined the social interaction between a small group. In my life right now it’s all about fitting in and being in the right group. You may feel if you are not in the popular group, you are a loser and don’t fit in. Just like in the short video we watched, we had to pick out each individual that we would let go and not save. If you think about how many people in the world there are millions of people.  So letting a few people go wouldn’t be such a big deal in macrosociology. Macrosociology is the study on a large scale, such as a city. Macrosociology is related to high school as once you graduate you are just one of the millions of people in the world. When you thought that you weren’t popular, it wasn’t a big deal and it doesn’t even matter in the real world. In high school we don’t always see the big picture and how it will affect our lives. In Langford we are so sheltered and don’t really know what the real life really is. Not every day do we have shootings or killings? In Macrosociology we view how the different huge groups interact.

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