

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

  1. Stupid
  2. Nothing, I didn't know what to expect
  3. When no one knew what was going on
  4. I didn't I just sat there
  5. It made me angry and just didn't want to participate
  6. Yes because every culture has different ways and rules that you have to follow
  7. Yes because it will be mass chaos and fighting
  8. Everyone is differnet and takes rules different ways

Barnga Blog

26 Amendment
  • The 26 Amendments guarantees anyone at the age of eighteen to vote.
  • The amendment today makes sure that everyone in the country has the right to vote and have a say on what is going on in our government.
  • The issue today that we have with voting is that younger people (18-24) don't vote. This is an issue because our population consist of many younger people. They think that their vote doesn't count, but it does.
27 Amendment
  • The 27 Amendment regulates the pay of the senators and representatives until the election of new representatives.
  • The amendment today makes sure that people in congress gets paid fairly. This amendment makes sure that people running for congress can not vote for themselves so they can get a pay raise.
  • This amendment took 200 years to be ratified. Only six states ratified this amendment and you need 11 to pass the amendment.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Bacha Bazi

Bacha Bazi is a terrible thing that is going on in Afghanistan right now. Afghanistan leaders and armed forces have been raping boys, and the United States has been told not to interfere with what is going on. I think this is very terrible on both parts. I think that we need to stop what is going on to these young boys. The United States would never let this happen on US soil, so why let it happen elsewhere when we can prevent it. I think we should get up camps for boys who have been abused. We should also be arresting the officers that are abusing the boys. Also, the Afghanistan’s should know better not to do this to boys. You as a person how could you even get yourself to do that to someone else. What if you put yourself in their shoes? How would you like being rapped? You wouldn’t like it. You would want the US to stop these people from doing this wouldn’t you? This is a custom that shouldn’t be a custom. There is no point and is very wrong. I think that the Afghanistan officers are brainwashing the boys to think this is the right thing to do and it’s ok that they are doing bad things to them. I think we need to step in and teach them not to do this.   

Dear Aunt,

Dear Aunt,

                I have some bad news for you. Our plane crashed and we are stranded on an island with no adults. I have made some new friends, Jack, Ralph, and Simon. Jack is the oldest boy on the island. He also is very bossy and tries to be the leader of the group. No one really likes him. He is also very wild and wants no one to be over him and he thinks he makes all of the rules and we must follow him. Ralph is one of the nicer boys. He is the first on I met on the island. He is very calm and smart. He is trying to get everyone in a group and try and figure out how to be rescued in a civilized manner. Simon is very quiet and doesn’t really talk that much. He just goes along with what everyone is saying and tries to be friends with everyone and doesn’t want to start fights. Ralph also found a conch; he used this to get everyone to come to a certain place when we hear the sound. This is very helpful because we know where to go if we are lost. I have also noticed there is a beast in men. It scares me to death knowing that some of us can’t control the anger in each of us. I hope that we can all contain the beast within. We also started fires. We are using these fires to keep us warm, and maybe other people will see the smoke or flames and come rescue us. We are hoping that someone will come rescue us soon so we can all get back to our normal life.

                With love, Piggy

Friday, September 11, 2015

Macro vs. Micro

In our world we have the big picture and the not so big picture. Right now in high school it’s all about the not so big picture, or microsociology. Microsociology is defined the social interaction between a small group. In my life right now it’s all about fitting in and being in the right group. You may feel if you are not in the popular group, you are a loser and don’t fit in. Just like in the short video we watched, we had to pick out each individual that we would let go and not save. If you think about how many people in the world there are millions of people.  So letting a few people go wouldn’t be such a big deal in macrosociology. Macrosociology is the study on a large scale, such as a city. Macrosociology is related to high school as once you graduate you are just one of the millions of people in the world. When you thought that you weren’t popular, it wasn’t a big deal and it doesn’t even matter in the real world. In high school we don’t always see the big picture and how it will affect our lives. In Langford we are so sheltered and don’t really know what the real life really is. Not every day do we have shootings or killings? In Macrosociology we view how the different huge groups interact.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Step into New Shoes

       In today’s world most everyone thinks about themselves, not about anyone else. This has become a major problem in our world; we fight for power and to always be right. We as American’s could avoid some of the fights we get into. Just maybe there is one person that can look beyond his or her own selfish way, we could avoid some conflict. The world today, no one wants to admit they are wrong, or apologize for something that they have done. Let’s put yourself into a situation where you can look either way on the situation. You are a cop in Aberdeen; you arrest a guy stealing groceries. As the cop you see this as a crime and a wrong doing and want to punish this person for stealing. But, if you take a second and go into the other guy’s shoes, you may find out the motive why he’s stealing. The guy may have a family at home that he is trying to provide for, or he has a loved one that has nothing and wants to give something to them. I’m not saying stealing is the right thing to do; we just never take the time look at both sides of the story that is presented.  If we could all just take a second to look at both sides of the story our perspective might change and the outcome of the situation could change. I agree with Sam Richards, we all need to take a step back in our life, when something goes wrong or an argument comes up why not look and find out the cause on the other side, rather than blaming and not taking blame. I feel that some of us are afraid to take the blame that it will hurt our reputation. But if you really look at it you are the one to blame for being selfish and not helping other people out because you are too caught up in your own world. We all need to step out of our shoes and face all of our problems in a new perspective.