

Friday, April 1, 2016


“Our art is a reflection of our reality.” stated by Ice Cube. Our reality is changing everyday by everyone. New things are going to happen every day but, not everyone is going to see what all goes on in the world. That is why we need art. We have to express how we feel and how we want others to know what we go through.  The earliest forms of arts dates’ way back to the Stone Age. They would use the simplest form of art to start with but as the years go by art changed.  Art does not necessarily have to be something you can touch. Art can also be in forms such as music, plays, or visual art such as movies, or short films.
The first known of art is in the Stone Age. Here they would use the caves to paint or draw on the rock. They would draw the animals that they would see or fires or anything that they saw. Soon art become to evolve to more advanced and technical.  They would get more advanced in their art. They would create pottery that they could use for everyday use.  Art would be used for religious purposes too. They would use this to show God and how great he is. Now as the days go on art to be anything you want it to be. It could be a painting or a sculpture.  We use art to capture what the eye sees and what others may not be able to see. Not everyone perceives the same things you do.  You could see a beautiful scene, but someone else could see something totally different.  Art also is used for storytelling. Art can be visual such as a play or movie.  With art it shows an intense emotion.  A picture is worth a thousand words.
When you hear the word art, you usually think of visual paintings.  You think of the Mona Lisa, The Scream, or American Gothic.  These all tell a story in the visual aspect of them.  Such as the Mona Lisa, you see a lady is barely smiling but still looks happy. The Scream is a person that looks like they just say a ghost and is scared for his life.  These painting show what these people were thinking or seeing.  Before cameras, all they had were paintings. Paintings captured the beauty in paintings. Paintings can have many different ways to show what the artist was truly seeing. Some paintings do not have full meanings. Some art could just be lines or circles, but it is how the artist was feeling or seeing. You can also use music to influence the way you paint or use art. Paint what you feel. You listen to the music; you paint the picture or scene that you see in your head. What you draw may be the complete opposite of what the others were painting.  That is what is so great about art because there is no right answer.
Music is changed the way we see the world.  The N.W.A. changed the way that people saw Compton. Not only did it affect people around the area but around the whole United States. N.W.A. opened our eyes on how minorities were getting treated. The cops would arrest or beat anyone that “suspected” of selling dope or stealing. Most of these people were innocent. Yes, there are bad people in our world and we are never going to get rid of them. Our police are meant to protect and serve. Yes at the time when NWA was arising police were treating everyone bad. The NWA wanted to show the world on what they were seeing.  They were seeing police brutality, stealing, or selling illegal drugs. They grow up in a rough time. Our reality is changing every day. We can’t always see what is going on in the world. We need these songs to express how people are feeling or seeing. Yes, some of the songs are bad and have a terrible meaning but it is reality.  Other songs are the opposite of bad meanings. They focus on the good parts of the world or positive things going on in the world. Everyone has a different taste in music. What I listen to or like does not mean that your friend likes the same thing. Every lyric has a meaning that the song portrays.
Movies are another way to see the world. Straight Outta Compton takes you back in time to see what those men had to go through while growing up. They did not live a glamorous life as some might imagine.  Not everyone is fortunate enough to have luxury and wealth.  If you think about it most people do not live like that. Movies now days show that. Straight Outta Compton shows the non-glamorous life and how it still is today. Movies now days show wars, possible invasions, or just everyday life. Movies shape the way we view things. If we see a movie about war and violence in another country such as American Sniper, it shows others killing each other. It is very gruesome but it is what is actually really what is going on in our messed up world. Movies show things that everyone else is too afraid to show and admit.
Reality is a changing subject every day. The way we see everything is constantly changing and so our views. With different things influencing the way we see and feel about things. Visual art can express how a person is feeling or what they are seeing. Art is evolving is many different ways. It started out as just simple cave drawing to now famous paintings. Not only is art visual, but audio. Music is shaping the way we think of others or the way we think of a certain place. Movies have also taken over the art ways. Straight Outta Compton has previewed the ways that they had to go through to take their rise in fame.  Art is a reflection of our reality.

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