

Thursday, January 21, 2016


          White people will someday be the minority in the United States; we can expect white privilege to decline, increased gun control laws, and powerful groups like the NRA to lose their influence in the political theatre. Right now white people  can get away with almost anything, now compare white men to African American men, if a white person steals they will usually get a fine, now if an African American steals they will get a fine and be put in jail and treated very poorly.  This makes other minorities angry. So this causes people to riot or shoot others to get what they want. Why does our world have to always resort to violence? Yes the NRA is all about the second amendment, being able to bear arms. I think when our fore fathers created the amendments; they didn’t figure that it would get the violent. It seems like everything we do have to involve guns. If someone doesn’t get their way or money, they resort to shooting them to get them to pay. How do you live with yourself after you would shoot someone? Wouldn’t you feel like the worst person in the world but yet people still continue to kill others. Everyday innocent people all over are getting shot. Even with our troops they go over to foreign countries trying to protect but do more than anything.
           Our country today is very racist. If you are not white it seems like you are hated and not welcome. Everyone feels that white’s need to be on top of the world. This started way back when the British came over to “The United States”, they took over the Native Americans.  We took over the Native Americans. We tried to force our ways on them and change them to our ways. Finally most of the Native Americans gave up and fell into our ways. But, some of them did not and tried to rebel against the British. If someone did rebel, they would get shot or hung. Whites have always wanted it there ay no matter what. Minorities have learned just to give in because if they don’t they will get killed or seriously injured.  Why do we have to do this to people? Just because they are different it doesn’t matter we have to treat them like dirt.
             The next was when we started shipping over African Americans. We would go over to Africa and take young men and women, or anyone that could work. Whites would take them and sell them to different owners. The African Americans were slaves. They could do nothing but it. We took advantage of them. We forced them to do the work that they were supposed to do. They couldn’t do their own work because it caused them too much work. So, they had to get people they could take advantage of and knew they could get away with slaves. If someone acted out or tried to run away, the plantation owner or the slave owner would whip them in front of everyone.  Most of plantation owners did not care if they would kill them while they were whipping them.  Not all of the whites were mean to their slaves. Not everyone in our world is messed up and feels the need to be the best.
As time goes on, the United States continues to have issues with other races. I know when we go into other countries we are supposed to help get rid of the extremists. But, in the end it doesn’t happen like that. We go in there and kill anything or anyone in their way. They treat others with no respect. We take advantage of them and have no feelings for them. The military brain washes our troops to go in and kill. With having someone in the military force I have seen this with my own eyes. The media doesn’t show that side though. They only show the good side that the people want to see. We choose to be this way. The government has overcome our world and has no feelings.
Guns have overcome our world. No matter where in the world they have taken over. We teach our children to use guns. The number of guns sales has increased. So has the number of gun accidents. It seems like little kids or teens are finding their parents guns and playing with them and end up firing the gun. Why weren’t these guns put away and locked? Why hasn’t the parents taught their children about the danger of guns and what they can do when not used properly.
               In my opinion, I think our gun laws need to get way stricter than they are now. I am not totally opposed to guns, it seems like it is just way too easy for anyone to get their hands on a gun. I’m not saying that we need to banish guns and no longer have them, we should have them but for only certain reasons. The government should make all gun shops have to have their buyers do a background check. This way you can see criminal records or mental illnesses. If less of those people could get their hands on a gun, maybe we would not have as much violence. This could prevent some of the mass shootings, or drive by killing.
               White people will someday be the minority in the United States; we can expect white privilege to decline, increased gun control laws, and powerful groups like the NRA to lose their influence in the political theatre. By now you can realize that whites want to be on top of the world, but as we continue to see minorities are growing and someday whites may not be on top of the world. We need to treat others the way we want to be treated. We need to treat everyone with respect no matter the color of the skin. Our laws need to change if we want to eliminate some of the violence that goes on in our world.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Freddie Grey

Freddie Grey started out with a rough life. Freddie and his maternal sister were born two months early. They were premature; they had to stay in the hospital for two months. When their mother went to court to argue a lead poisoning case, she admitted that she couldn’t read and had started doing heroin in her twenties. This could have been the reason why the kids were born premature.  As Freddie was growing up he went to school. In high school, he started playing football, but he ended up not graduating from college.  When he grew up he started getting into trouble with the law. He was arrested many times. The last time he was about to get arrested was when he had a felony for assaulting a family friend. When Freddie was about to get arrested he started to run from the cops.  As the cops were arresting Freddie, the officers were having said to treated Freddie very terribly. When they were putting Freddie in the police van, they said that they looked like Freddie was very limb and wasn’t moving. Now the debate is that white officers treat black men very terribly. I think our officers today are overly aggressive to the people that they arrest.  I think that the government is to blame for this. We treat others that have different skin colors, or talk different or different with no respect. Why do our cops do this? How would the cops feel is some police authority treats one of your family members terrible? Wouldn’t that make you angry and want to change the way the police department is run. That is what people are doing now when things are not treated fairly. They could try and not fight but the government won’t listen. It takes a war and killing before someone does something about. Why can’t everyone treat each other the way we want to be treated? If we could do this we wouldn’t have as much fighting and indifference in the world.  What if our world didn’t fight anymore? Do you think we could all get along?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Tattoos and Deviance

I read the article titled “Heavily Tattooed Students More Prone to Deviant Behaviors” by Thaddeus M. Baklinski. Just when looking at the title this makes me sick and it is so wrong on what they think of people who have tattoos. Just because you have tattoos, piercing s, or both, doesn’t make you a terrible person or deviant. I myself have two tattoos and nine piercings, so according to the study I’m going to express deviant behaviors. Do I think this article is fair to people with tattoos and piercings? No it is not. That when you have body art or piercings results in social deviance.  In the article it talks about people with many tattoos or piercings are more likely to drugs and have many sex partners. In my opinion they are judging by what they see on the outside and not getting to know why the person has the tattoo or piercing. Isn’t our goal in life is trying to not judge people on the outside actually try to get to know them. This article I think contradicts this goal. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes, would you like having someone tell you that a tattoo or piercing you have are not important and going to cause deviance. What the other people don’t know how important it is to you. Most people have tattoos that symbolize something that happened in their life or something very important to them. Tattoos are a way to express you. Don’t let others judge you on what you look like. Don’t listen to them when they say that tattoos and piercings make you a bad person.  Tattoos and piercings don’t make you deviant.