

Monday, May 2, 2016

Gary Webb

Gary Webb can be known for both being a hero or a zero for his articles about the government and cocaine smuggling. He had times where he was praised for uncovering these dark facts about our government.  He was trying to prove that our government isn’t as perfect as we think. When secret war operations going on there was the whole Nicaragua ordeal with drugs. The government was supposedly trading guns and other illegal weapons for the return of cocaine. He also stated that there were many people involved with the ordeal Gary tried to explain. When trying to uncover the facts, the CIA and other federal government programs he felt tried to stop him from digging more information up.  Gary’s articles became a book called Dark Alliances. This is comprised of three part investigation. Do I think that Gary Webb is a hero? No, I do not believe that he is a hero in any sort of way. Do you really think this is the first time our government has done something scandalous? Gary Webb wasn’t the first person to try and uncover the whole ordeal with the CIA and cocaine. I believe he was in it for the popularity and money. I think he thought if he could get somewhere and uncover “facts” he would become famous. If you really look into what Gary found out he doesn’t have real hard facts. Right away in the movie you think oh yeah he really has some good ideas and facts. But, if you look into it, he doesn’t. He did not have statements from CIA agents. That is because Dark Alliances does not link the book and the articles to the CIA. But, Gary hints the CIA and government it many times.  The movie follows the storyline of the whole deal fairly well. I believe if we were all to know what really happened, the government would have told us. Why do you think no one knew about it? Maybe it didn’t even happen at all. Maybe the government wanted to keep us busy thinking they were using cocaine as a money source.  During the whole movie I wondered what Gary’s family has had to have gone through. He had two boys and one girl and all in school at the time of the reports. Do you think that the oldest boy in high school got nasty remarks and comments about his dad? How do you respond to those comments? I would find that hard to put that on a family. Not only are you involving yourself but your whole family too.  So no I do not think that Gary Webb was a hero.