

Monday, May 2, 2016

Gary Webb

Gary Webb can be known for both being a hero or a zero for his articles about the government and cocaine smuggling. He had times where he was praised for uncovering these dark facts about our government.  He was trying to prove that our government isn’t as perfect as we think. When secret war operations going on there was the whole Nicaragua ordeal with drugs. The government was supposedly trading guns and other illegal weapons for the return of cocaine. He also stated that there were many people involved with the ordeal Gary tried to explain. When trying to uncover the facts, the CIA and other federal government programs he felt tried to stop him from digging more information up.  Gary’s articles became a book called Dark Alliances. This is comprised of three part investigation. Do I think that Gary Webb is a hero? No, I do not believe that he is a hero in any sort of way. Do you really think this is the first time our government has done something scandalous? Gary Webb wasn’t the first person to try and uncover the whole ordeal with the CIA and cocaine. I believe he was in it for the popularity and money. I think he thought if he could get somewhere and uncover “facts” he would become famous. If you really look into what Gary found out he doesn’t have real hard facts. Right away in the movie you think oh yeah he really has some good ideas and facts. But, if you look into it, he doesn’t. He did not have statements from CIA agents. That is because Dark Alliances does not link the book and the articles to the CIA. But, Gary hints the CIA and government it many times.  The movie follows the storyline of the whole deal fairly well. I believe if we were all to know what really happened, the government would have told us. Why do you think no one knew about it? Maybe it didn’t even happen at all. Maybe the government wanted to keep us busy thinking they were using cocaine as a money source.  During the whole movie I wondered what Gary’s family has had to have gone through. He had two boys and one girl and all in school at the time of the reports. Do you think that the oldest boy in high school got nasty remarks and comments about his dad? How do you respond to those comments? I would find that hard to put that on a family. Not only are you involving yourself but your whole family too.  So no I do not think that Gary Webb was a hero.

Monday, April 25, 2016


Did our nation lose its innocence when John Kennedy was killed on November 22, 1963? I think our nation had already lost its innocence when we started getting too involved with foreign countries. I’m not saying that the United States cannot get involved with other countries but, we overstep our boundaries.  We go into countries with the intention of helping others and trying to protect their people. We take over the towns, the government, and the native people to the country.  After the John Kennedy assassination this affected people psychologically. The assassination made the people question the government. They did not trust the government. That is still true today with some people. I, myself do not trust the government. The government has so much power; they can control anything that they really want. If they do not like who was in presidency, they would secretly, in my opinion would hire criminals to assassinate the president.  When the government was close to change or new ways they would get rid of the person with the ideas of change.
I think that 9/11 affected the American people the same as the assassination. We thought that America is the safest place on the world and nothing bad could happen. But, when 9/11 it made everyone question America. After 9/11 people were very worried or scared to do anything. They thought that something bad could happen at any time. In my opinion I would feel the same way. If something like 9/11 happens again, I would be afraid that we are never going to be truly safe like everyone says we are. People come to United States to be free and safe. But, if you really think about it is the United States really safe? Look at everything that has happened. The Stock Market Crash, American Civil War, Bay of Pigs and many more. We have had bad events in the United States but, people still do not care and still want to come and live here. I know we do not have the worst history in the world but it is not the greatest. The thing that sets us apart from the rest of the world it has made our country stronger and put together.
In my opinion I think that the government killed John F. Kennedy.  Kennedy had many new ideas of change. John played a major role in trying to change the American politics. When the older generation of the government comes across change, they do not want change. It always seems like when it comes to change the older generation is the last to accept. They are used to having everything by the books and nothing out of the ordinary. This has not changed from times back to now days. If you ask the older generation to change they try and find a way to not have to change.  Is it a coincidence that Robert F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King were killed in a few years of the death of John F. Kennedy?  No, their deaths aren’t something that just happened or an accident. All of these men were something special. They wanted change and to make the United States and the world a better place. Martin Luther King Jr. was assassinated on April 4th, 1968, and a little after two months Robert Kennedy was killed on June 5th, 1968. Why do you think their deaths are so close together? Both Robert and Martin tried to get the United States away from war and violence. When Robert was a senator he would travel all around and try to study the effects poverty. His supporters wanted him to run antiwar. Martin Luther wanted everyone to be equal and have the same rights. He wanted to show the rest of the world on how African Americans were treated so poorly.  All of these men just wanted to change and improve the United States.
What do you think our country would be like now if these three men were not assassinated? Would we have better African American Rights? Would our country be so involved with war and violence? Would you think our country be more peaceful and would that help spread to the rest of the world.  I think if these men would still have been alive our country would have become a stronger and peaceful. The people of our country may not be so hesitant and worried about the future. Without all of these bad events that have gone on, what if we could erase all of them? Would our country be so full of hatred and violence? John F. Kennedy was a great man and was trying to better the world, same as the other men. But when things started to change the government shut these ideas down and would never be brought up again.

Monday, April 18, 2016


In the United States there is a big debate on whether or not the United States should change the way the United States does their taxes today. Right now the United States uses progressive tax, higher the income higher the tax and lower the income lower the tax.  The middle and lower class really do not benefit from progressive tax but it does help with the poor. This means that when you don’t make enough money to make ends meet, you will get a little break. Then you have some people that think that is not fair, the poor gets to pay less so why should I have to pay more? Why don’t you put yourself in their shoes? Try living with no money, kids, and bills to pay. You would want help. But, no you are too greedy to give a little money. Most American’s on average has a percentage of tax for income ranging from forty thousand to fifty thousand is eleven percent of your income that you must pay. So if you make forty-five thousand in all reality you would be paying roughly the government four thousand nine hundred and fifty in taxes.  Now if we had a flat tax everyone would be paying the same amount as your neighbor.  But, what happens when your neighbor is a millionaire? That will mean that that your neighbor who makes millions, pays the same amount as you do. Yes some of that states today use the flat tax for their way of income. You know why some states are like that? The United States once used the flat tax after the civil war. I feel that we should keep the way the taxes are run right now. I feel as though when you make enough money then you should be able to pay more.

Friday, April 1, 2016


“Our art is a reflection of our reality.” stated by Ice Cube. Our reality is changing everyday by everyone. New things are going to happen every day but, not everyone is going to see what all goes on in the world. That is why we need art. We have to express how we feel and how we want others to know what we go through.  The earliest forms of arts dates’ way back to the Stone Age. They would use the simplest form of art to start with but as the years go by art changed.  Art does not necessarily have to be something you can touch. Art can also be in forms such as music, plays, or visual art such as movies, or short films.
The first known of art is in the Stone Age. Here they would use the caves to paint or draw on the rock. They would draw the animals that they would see or fires or anything that they saw. Soon art become to evolve to more advanced and technical.  They would get more advanced in their art. They would create pottery that they could use for everyday use.  Art would be used for religious purposes too. They would use this to show God and how great he is. Now as the days go on art to be anything you want it to be. It could be a painting or a sculpture.  We use art to capture what the eye sees and what others may not be able to see. Not everyone perceives the same things you do.  You could see a beautiful scene, but someone else could see something totally different.  Art also is used for storytelling. Art can be visual such as a play or movie.  With art it shows an intense emotion.  A picture is worth a thousand words.
When you hear the word art, you usually think of visual paintings.  You think of the Mona Lisa, The Scream, or American Gothic.  These all tell a story in the visual aspect of them.  Such as the Mona Lisa, you see a lady is barely smiling but still looks happy. The Scream is a person that looks like they just say a ghost and is scared for his life.  These painting show what these people were thinking or seeing.  Before cameras, all they had were paintings. Paintings captured the beauty in paintings. Paintings can have many different ways to show what the artist was truly seeing. Some paintings do not have full meanings. Some art could just be lines or circles, but it is how the artist was feeling or seeing. You can also use music to influence the way you paint or use art. Paint what you feel. You listen to the music; you paint the picture or scene that you see in your head. What you draw may be the complete opposite of what the others were painting.  That is what is so great about art because there is no right answer.
Music is changed the way we see the world.  The N.W.A. changed the way that people saw Compton. Not only did it affect people around the area but around the whole United States. N.W.A. opened our eyes on how minorities were getting treated. The cops would arrest or beat anyone that “suspected” of selling dope or stealing. Most of these people were innocent. Yes, there are bad people in our world and we are never going to get rid of them. Our police are meant to protect and serve. Yes at the time when NWA was arising police were treating everyone bad. The NWA wanted to show the world on what they were seeing.  They were seeing police brutality, stealing, or selling illegal drugs. They grow up in a rough time. Our reality is changing every day. We can’t always see what is going on in the world. We need these songs to express how people are feeling or seeing. Yes, some of the songs are bad and have a terrible meaning but it is reality.  Other songs are the opposite of bad meanings. They focus on the good parts of the world or positive things going on in the world. Everyone has a different taste in music. What I listen to or like does not mean that your friend likes the same thing. Every lyric has a meaning that the song portrays.
Movies are another way to see the world. Straight Outta Compton takes you back in time to see what those men had to go through while growing up. They did not live a glamorous life as some might imagine.  Not everyone is fortunate enough to have luxury and wealth.  If you think about it most people do not live like that. Movies now days show that. Straight Outta Compton shows the non-glamorous life and how it still is today. Movies now days show wars, possible invasions, or just everyday life. Movies shape the way we view things. If we see a movie about war and violence in another country such as American Sniper, it shows others killing each other. It is very gruesome but it is what is actually really what is going on in our messed up world. Movies show things that everyone else is too afraid to show and admit.
Reality is a changing subject every day. The way we see everything is constantly changing and so our views. With different things influencing the way we see and feel about things. Visual art can express how a person is feeling or what they are seeing. Art is evolving is many different ways. It started out as just simple cave drawing to now famous paintings. Not only is art visual, but audio. Music is shaping the way we think of others or the way we think of a certain place. Movies have also taken over the art ways. Straight Outta Compton has previewed the ways that they had to go through to take their rise in fame.  Art is a reflection of our reality.

Friday, February 26, 2016

White Ghetto

1. What does the average coal miner make (wages per hour)?
a. 25 Dollars an Hour

2. Who are some types of people a person might find in the big, “White Ghetto.”
a. Poor Families
b. Little to no Educated Kids

3. Why do you think the author calls it the “Big White Ghetto.”
a. The white population takes up 98.5% of the population.

4. What does the author suggests “keeps the underclass in place?”
a. Welfare has made Appalachia into a huge housing project.

5. The author suggests that “poverty is the natural condition ____  _______  ________ _______.”
a. Of the Human Animal

6. How does Pepsi play into this?
a. They continue to let people tamper with their products they are selling.

1. People would take their child or children out of school to get Social Security disability benefits
2. Owsley County the unemployment rate is at 150%.
3. People try to get other people sign up for imaginary programs that don’t exist for their own fun.
4. The coal mining industry is moving west.
5. When you live in these areas you increase the risk of dying sooner than you normally should.

Hillary Clinton

Hillary Clinton is becoming known for her email scandal. This in this case causes some people to question her ability to be able to run for president. Is she going to be able to be trusted? Will she leak top secret information to the public or worse our enemies? Will she be a good leader for our country? In her emails, the text that was in the emails was almost identical to the top secret files. Does this mean that she has someone on the inside sending her this information? How is she even getting this information? Right now no one knows.  With having these emails leaked this puts a big threat on the United States. That means that anyone can get access to our most top secret information. Now as the election is going on Hillary is trying to cover up the details of the emails secret. She is trying to get rid of evidence.  Still after all of this stuff has come out, my views on Hillary has not changed. I think we need a woman in charge and maybe we could work things out better than before.  I think Trump is crazy and should not be our president.

Thursday, January 21, 2016


          White people will someday be the minority in the United States; we can expect white privilege to decline, increased gun control laws, and powerful groups like the NRA to lose their influence in the political theatre. Right now white people  can get away with almost anything, now compare white men to African American men, if a white person steals they will usually get a fine, now if an African American steals they will get a fine and be put in jail and treated very poorly.  This makes other minorities angry. So this causes people to riot or shoot others to get what they want. Why does our world have to always resort to violence? Yes the NRA is all about the second amendment, being able to bear arms. I think when our fore fathers created the amendments; they didn’t figure that it would get the violent. It seems like everything we do have to involve guns. If someone doesn’t get their way or money, they resort to shooting them to get them to pay. How do you live with yourself after you would shoot someone? Wouldn’t you feel like the worst person in the world but yet people still continue to kill others. Everyday innocent people all over are getting shot. Even with our troops they go over to foreign countries trying to protect but do more than anything.
           Our country today is very racist. If you are not white it seems like you are hated and not welcome. Everyone feels that white’s need to be on top of the world. This started way back when the British came over to “The United States”, they took over the Native Americans.  We took over the Native Americans. We tried to force our ways on them and change them to our ways. Finally most of the Native Americans gave up and fell into our ways. But, some of them did not and tried to rebel against the British. If someone did rebel, they would get shot or hung. Whites have always wanted it there ay no matter what. Minorities have learned just to give in because if they don’t they will get killed or seriously injured.  Why do we have to do this to people? Just because they are different it doesn’t matter we have to treat them like dirt.
             The next was when we started shipping over African Americans. We would go over to Africa and take young men and women, or anyone that could work. Whites would take them and sell them to different owners. The African Americans were slaves. They could do nothing but it. We took advantage of them. We forced them to do the work that they were supposed to do. They couldn’t do their own work because it caused them too much work. So, they had to get people they could take advantage of and knew they could get away with slaves. If someone acted out or tried to run away, the plantation owner or the slave owner would whip them in front of everyone.  Most of plantation owners did not care if they would kill them while they were whipping them.  Not all of the whites were mean to their slaves. Not everyone in our world is messed up and feels the need to be the best.
As time goes on, the United States continues to have issues with other races. I know when we go into other countries we are supposed to help get rid of the extremists. But, in the end it doesn’t happen like that. We go in there and kill anything or anyone in their way. They treat others with no respect. We take advantage of them and have no feelings for them. The military brain washes our troops to go in and kill. With having someone in the military force I have seen this with my own eyes. The media doesn’t show that side though. They only show the good side that the people want to see. We choose to be this way. The government has overcome our world and has no feelings.
Guns have overcome our world. No matter where in the world they have taken over. We teach our children to use guns. The number of guns sales has increased. So has the number of gun accidents. It seems like little kids or teens are finding their parents guns and playing with them and end up firing the gun. Why weren’t these guns put away and locked? Why hasn’t the parents taught their children about the danger of guns and what they can do when not used properly.
               In my opinion, I think our gun laws need to get way stricter than they are now. I am not totally opposed to guns, it seems like it is just way too easy for anyone to get their hands on a gun. I’m not saying that we need to banish guns and no longer have them, we should have them but for only certain reasons. The government should make all gun shops have to have their buyers do a background check. This way you can see criminal records or mental illnesses. If less of those people could get their hands on a gun, maybe we would not have as much violence. This could prevent some of the mass shootings, or drive by killing.
               White people will someday be the minority in the United States; we can expect white privilege to decline, increased gun control laws, and powerful groups like the NRA to lose their influence in the political theatre. By now you can realize that whites want to be on top of the world, but as we continue to see minorities are growing and someday whites may not be on top of the world. We need to treat others the way we want to be treated. We need to treat everyone with respect no matter the color of the skin. Our laws need to change if we want to eliminate some of the violence that goes on in our world.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Freddie Grey

Freddie Grey started out with a rough life. Freddie and his maternal sister were born two months early. They were premature; they had to stay in the hospital for two months. When their mother went to court to argue a lead poisoning case, she admitted that she couldn’t read and had started doing heroin in her twenties. This could have been the reason why the kids were born premature.  As Freddie was growing up he went to school. In high school, he started playing football, but he ended up not graduating from college.  When he grew up he started getting into trouble with the law. He was arrested many times. The last time he was about to get arrested was when he had a felony for assaulting a family friend. When Freddie was about to get arrested he started to run from the cops.  As the cops were arresting Freddie, the officers were having said to treated Freddie very terribly. When they were putting Freddie in the police van, they said that they looked like Freddie was very limb and wasn’t moving. Now the debate is that white officers treat black men very terribly. I think our officers today are overly aggressive to the people that they arrest.  I think that the government is to blame for this. We treat others that have different skin colors, or talk different or different with no respect. Why do our cops do this? How would the cops feel is some police authority treats one of your family members terrible? Wouldn’t that make you angry and want to change the way the police department is run. That is what people are doing now when things are not treated fairly. They could try and not fight but the government won’t listen. It takes a war and killing before someone does something about. Why can’t everyone treat each other the way we want to be treated? If we could do this we wouldn’t have as much fighting and indifference in the world.  What if our world didn’t fight anymore? Do you think we could all get along?

Monday, January 18, 2016

Tattoos and Deviance

I read the article titled “Heavily Tattooed Students More Prone to Deviant Behaviors” by Thaddeus M. Baklinski. Just when looking at the title this makes me sick and it is so wrong on what they think of people who have tattoos. Just because you have tattoos, piercing s, or both, doesn’t make you a terrible person or deviant. I myself have two tattoos and nine piercings, so according to the study I’m going to express deviant behaviors. Do I think this article is fair to people with tattoos and piercings? No it is not. That when you have body art or piercings results in social deviance.  In the article it talks about people with many tattoos or piercings are more likely to drugs and have many sex partners. In my opinion they are judging by what they see on the outside and not getting to know why the person has the tattoo or piercing. Isn’t our goal in life is trying to not judge people on the outside actually try to get to know them. This article I think contradicts this goal. Put yourself in the other person’s shoes, would you like having someone tell you that a tattoo or piercing you have are not important and going to cause deviance. What the other people don’t know how important it is to you. Most people have tattoos that symbolize something that happened in their life or something very important to them. Tattoos are a way to express you. Don’t let others judge you on what you look like. Don’t listen to them when they say that tattoos and piercings make you a bad person.  Tattoos and piercings don’t make you deviant.